Walk through the charming old townscape

The whispers of different eras can be heard on the street corners
From beneath your feet, the scenery of time comes back to life

  • Otori Sake Brewery Main building, preparation storehouse, and other buildings group

    The sake brewery has been in operation for over 220 years, and its boiler room and preparation warehouse have been maintained to preserve the atmosphere of those days. You can follow the process of making sake and experience the connection between the traditional structure of a sake brewery and the scenery of Tamba-Sasayama townscape.

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  • Odagaki Shoten store, residential buildings, and other buildings group

    A long-established bean retail store founded in 1734, located in a corner of a traditional streetscape. The living spaces of the merchant's house, such as the garden and the tea room, have been preserved, and the delicate beauty of Japan can be seen everywhere. A portion of the cafe has been renovated into the Odagaki Mamedo Cafe, where you can taste many desserts.

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  • Kawaramachi Tsumairi Merchant Housing District

    Sasayama Castle is a castle town built in 1620. The approximately 600m long road is lined with merchant houses that have unique Japanese structures such as tsuma-iri"

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